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Creation Station Newsletter

Board Positions Available

Job Descriptions (the positions listed are volunteer based)


Vice-Chair Person:


1. Is a member of the Board
2. Performs Chair responsibilities when the Chair cannot be available (see Chair Job Description)
3. Reports to the Board's Chair
4. Works closely with the Chair and other staff
5. Participates closely with the Chair to develop and implement officer transition plans.
6. Performs other responsibilities as assigned by the Board.


Assistant Secretary


1. Is a member of the Board
2. Maintains records of the board and ensures effective management of the organization's records
3. Manages minutes of board meetings
4. Ensures minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting
5.Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (articles, by-laws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings

6. Schedule board meetings and hold members accountable for their assigned tasks.




1. Is a member of the Board
2. Manages finances of the organization
3. Administrates fiscal matters of the organization
4. Provides annual budget to the board for members' approval
5. Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures


Please email our team at for your next steps.



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"We believe that kids can be anything they want to be ."

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